Huddo Boards for HCL DX
You can now integrate Huddo Boards with your HCL DX environment alongside a free entitlement to Activities Plus

Integrations with your HCL Environment
Save Notes Email
as Card
Drag and drop emails from Notes Client email to Huddo Boards to save your email as a task. This feature automatically includes the title of the email as the title of the card and the body of an email in the card description. Continue the conversation around the email with members of the Board directly on the card, by commenting, @mentioning members, assigning and more. Avoid forwarding on emails that create reply alls or are difficult to locate in future.
Create a task from an email in HCL Verse or share a task via email. Do you want to create a task from an important email you received in HCL Verse? Huddo Boards integration in Verse lets you create a task directly from the email.
You can also share your tasks via email by attaching a card, list or Board to a Verse email.
Request a Quote
PLAN 1: 1 - 499 users $6.49/user
$5.51 with 15% Annual Subscription Discount
PLAN 2: 500 - 999 users $5.99/user
$5.09 with 15% Annual Subscription Discount
PLAN 3: 1,000 - 1 ,999 users $4.49/user
$3.81 with 15% Annual Subscription Discount
PLAN 4: 2,000 - 4,999 users $3.49/user
$2.54 with 15% Annual Subscription Discount
PLAN 5: 10,000+ users Ask
Prices shown in USD. Other currencies on request.
Huddo Boards is a per user per month subscription
You can purchase Huddo Boards directly via the web.
Huddo Boards is also available for
HCL Connections Component Pac
To access Huddo Boards via the Connections Component Pack, follow the steps on the Huddo Docs site to deploy into your Connections environment. You can use the free entitlement to Activities Plus immediately, and visit the Huddo Store to purchase a Premium View license and get access to all the great features of Huddo Boards!
Ready to get started?
Review the following documentation and then contact us at to organise a time for a call with our support team.
Huddo Boards for Domino
Kubernetes Deployment
Standalone Deployment