Huddo Boards.
Huddo Boards is a visual, fun, rewarding and real-time collaborative task management tool for individuals, teams and organisations. Using Kanban, MindMap and Timeline task management, create collaborative and visual workspaces.
Get projects done, quickly and transparently.
Huddo Badges.
Huddo Badges is a flexible gamification engine for HCL Connections to measure, reward and encourage user adoption for HCL Connections. Encourage users to leverage the full capability through achievements and rewards, rank and simple next steps.
Accelerate and sustain user adoption of HCL Connections.
GUIDE 2021
Huddo Analytics.
Huddo Analytics lets you understand how your organisation can better leverage HCL Connections. Measuring the productivity gains of HCL Connections, you can find optimisation insights, and increase adoption and return on investment.
Discover social analytics and reporting for HCL Connections.
Huddo CCM Migrator.
If you are looking for a quick, easy-to-use and safe tool to migrate your files from your CCM library in HCL Connections into the HCL Connections library then the Huddo CCM Migrator is the tool you are looking for.
Efficiently migrate your files from your CCM library.